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The Hidden Treasure of John 1:1

The truth about John 1:1 has long been hidden from the masses. Find out why False Religion has hidden one of the very first translations of the Greek Language used some 1900 years ago. The Sahidic Coptic translation.

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Unknown member
May 09, 2022

In the Lexham English Bible, Proverbs 8:22 reads, "Yahweh created me, the first of his ways,

before his acts ⌊of old⌋." Only creation has a beginning. God is eternal and always exsisted.

  • "These are the things that the Amen says, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation by God" (Rev 3:14)

  • He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation;" (Col 1:15)

  • Christ the Wisdom of God. (1 Corinthians 1:24)



Unknown member
May 09, 2022

In the beginning was the Word says John1 WHAT [BEGINNING? ]GOD has no beginning

Jehovah has always existed but in his own words he says the word has a beginning and was with GOD ,not at the beginning we know there was no beginning,so this must be the words beginning or when he was created and was with the creator at his beginning of his existence thus the word was godlike or mighty,a mighty god.

The false Churches of Christendom says John1 the word is GOD ,but the scribes should have tore out or blotted out the word Beginning because its impossible for anyone to have been with GOD at the beginning since there was never a beginning.

John1 King…


Unknown member
May 08, 2022

The word is a god,all angels are called gods,the term god mean mighty one,indeed one angel killed close to a quarter million solders ,Jesus is an angel as well but ruler of all the angels called Arch Angel,but Jehovah is almighty not just mighty

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