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You're Invited to a Sacred Event!

The Memorial of Christ' Death also known as the Lord's Evening Meal is not the Last Supper that the world continues to celebrate. The Last Supper is the Last Passover Meal that was first established in Egypt. The Jewish Day began at Sunset. As the Sun was beginning to sink into the Horizon while there is still Sunlight, the new day would actually begin. The meal needed to be prepared and eaten in hast in its entirety during twilight. (Exodus 12:6) The Final and Last Passover Meal was Nisan 14th, 33 CE which was fulfilled later that afternoon.

Today as Christians, we invite others to simply observe the Memorial of Jesus Christ that was instituted moments later after the Last Supper was concluded and brought to its end. As the Last Supper was concluding, Jesus was reclining at the table with all 12 disciples.  While they were eating, he said: “Truly I say to you, one of you will betray me.” (Matthew 26:20-21) Therefore, the event that concluded the Last Passover Meal was the dismissal of an unfaithful apostle. Jesus answered: “It is the one to whom I will give the piece of bread that I dip.” So after dipping the bread, he took it and gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot.  After Judas took the piece of bread, then Satan entered into him. So Jesus said to him: “What you are doing, do it more quickly.” (John 13:26-28) “So after he received the piece of bread, he went out immediately. And it was night.” (John 13:30)

After dismissing the betrayer from the midst of the Faithful Disciples, Jesus instituted a new teaching for His Faithful Followers. Since the founding of the Christian Congregation on Pentecost 33 CE, True Christians have been commemorating the death of Jesus Christ every Nisan 14th. With one simple command, his faithful sheep “Keep doing this in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19) So the Memorial of Jesus Christ' Death was to be observed and commemorated at night just after Sunset, when darkness has ensued.

A must watch video: As the Storm Approaches, Maintain Your Focus on Jesus! Please join us for the annual observance of the death of Jesus Christ. This year it will be held on Sunday, March 24, 2024. More information @

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Unknown member
Jan 16, 2021

I pray for people of the world to convert before its too late to Jehovah G-Ds mountain

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